Looking for therapy in english in Málaga?

My name is Elvira. In recent years, I have studied Psychology at the University of Malaga, and subsequently, I have received training at the Soluciones Center in the practice of psychotherapy under the supervision of renowned psychologists and educators such as Alberto Rodríguez Morejón and Alberto Zamanillo.

Currently my job involves helping people to develop the necessary tools to face the challenging situations in their daily life, whether through psychotherapy or by providing psychoeducational workshops and informative talks.

Therapy in english in Málaga
Therapy in english in Málaga


Individual therapy

We will address your concerns by searching for tools and strengths that can help you improve your daily life.

Couple therapy

We will work together to enhance the relationship and strengthen your bond. This can be done with both members of the couple together, individually, or even with just one of the parties involved.

Family therapy

We will work on bonds, coexistence, and communication. In general, we will address your family's needs and concerns to improve its functioning. This can be done with all family members together, individually, or even with just one of the parties involved.

The goal of psychotherapy is to help individuals lead a healthy life and assist them in managing everything related to psychological distress. This is achieved through conversation. In sessions, individuals discuss the challenges they face in their lives, and with the therapist’s assistance, they explore possible solutions to achieve their well-being.

My approach is an integrative model that draws from Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, MRI Strategic Therapy, Narrative Therapy, and Structural Therapy. All complemented by knowledge in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology. Moreover, treatment takes place in an environment of complete confidentiality, comfort, and trust.

Our office

Finally there is a place that offers therapy in english in Málaga. Our therapist’s office is located within the facilities of the Brief Psychotherapy Center (Teatinos), which houses some of the most prominent therapists in Malaga.

Located in a building that houses several professional offices, we offer you maximum anonymity and discretion. Our facilities are designed to provide you with comfort and privacy, ensuring a supportive environment for your journey to well-being.

Online therapy

Distance is no longer a barrier. Now you can access therapy from anywhere, making it more convenient for you. Leveraging the power of Google Meet along with a virtual whiteboard, I offer online therapy that matches, if not surpasses, the in-person therapy experience. Furthermore, our online clients benefit from reduced prices, making quality care more accessible.

Psicóloga Málaga


Elvira is very calm and professional. She has helped me a lot in understanding my behavior and anxiety.

Elvira is a great professional, and she is helping me a lot. I highly recommend her to anyone going through difficulties.

My experience in therapy is limited, I was recommended to Elvira, and I like her because she is clear in her words and interacts in the sessions. She helps me a lot!

An excellent professional with a solid background, very empathetic, and supportive. You can tell she enjoys what she does. She makes you feel very comfortable, which greatly helps in opening up to make the most of the experience.

Delighted and impressed by the strong ability to connect and synthesize; your preparation is evident. You are a powerful combination of energy and techniques, and I'm sure you have a lot to offer to people looking to change or overcome episodes that can disrupt our inner peace.

Thank you, Elvira, for all the work you have done and will continue to do in the future. You are a great professional, and I would personally recommend you anytime. Keep up the excellent work.

Frequently asked questions

There are few things more personal than making the decision to seek psychological counseling. But here is a list of reasons why people typically come to my office:

· Distress
· Sadness
· Procrastination
· Problems with concentration and motivation
· General discomfort
· Apathy
· Work on Social Skills
· Fears, Grief
· Breakups / Separations / Divorces
· Family conflicts
· Difficulty in making vital changes
· Emotional dependencies
· Personal development and growth
·Taking decisions
· Achievement of goals
· Changing habits etc.

The sessions last for 60 minutes and consist of two parts:

  1. We will discuss the discomfort that has brought you to the session.
  2. After a brief pause to incorporate the information obtained, I will provide you with my perspective on the matter, as well as a set of tasks to work on at home, which we will review in the next session if necessary.

Finally there is a place to get therapy in english in Málaga. It has been observed that the effectiveness of the treatment is the same, as well as the methods used, so this choice is at your disposal. The online mode is ideal for people who, for some reason, cannot come to the office (in the area of Malaga city or Cuevas de San Marcos), those who live outside of Spain, or those who need a session during vacations.

Regarding the duration of the treatment, from the model I work with, it’s important that the individual receives as few sessions as possible but as many as necessary. This means that, although the average number of sessions ranges from 3 to 6, each person has different needs and personalities, and the treatment should be tailored to them.

The price for my individual sessions is 55€ (online only 45€). However, if you have financial difficulties accessing this service, please let me know, and I will try to help you find alternatives that suit your needs.

Other work

I have always been a person deeply committed to social causes, and one of the primary motivations that led me to study psychology was the commitment to make this world a better place. For this reason, I not only offer therapy in english in Málaga, but have also collaborated with associations since I was young. I have worked with LGBTQ+ and feminist organizations. In this section, you can find the projects I am involved in to contribute to making this world a better place.

Group Therapy: Take care of yourself to take care of others

Project in collaboration with the Belda Association

After the pandemic, one of the main lessons is the need to learn how to deal with fear. The global health crisis has confronted us with unknown and concerning situations. Now, more than ever, it is essential to understand and manage our fears to move forward with resilience and adapt to this new reality.


Psicóloga Málaga, estas son las palabras más buscadas en google por personas que viven en la ciudad de Málaga y que buscan una psicóloga para atender a su salud mental

Pero entonces surge una gran duda, ¿cómo podemos encontrar nuestra propia psicóloga Málaga ideal?

Acompáñame en este viaje de recomendaciones acerca de cómo encontrar este unicornio tan preciado y tan difícil de localizar.

Primero es importante ser conscientes de nuestras necesidades. Cuáles son nuestros problemas, cuales son muestras preocupaciones, sensaciones y sentimientos. ¿Necesitamos resolver un asunto concreto? ¿O necesitamos que esa psicóloga Málaga nos ayude a encontrar un nombre a aquello que nos atenaza?

Es importante tener clara la razón por la que acudimos a consulta psicológica porque eso nos va a ayudar a orientarnos a la hora de buscar una psicóloga Málaga experta en nuestro problema concreto.

Psicóloga Málaga ¿Un unicornio?

El segundo de los elementos a tener en cuenta a la hora de encontrar esa Psicóloga Málaga ideal es nuestra propia identidad, si sentimos que nos encontraremos más cómodos con alguien que se parezca a nosotros, o con una persona completamente diferente.

En función de estas necesidades esta persona puede ser una chica, una mujer mayor, un chico, o un hombre mayor. Además, a consecuencia de este mismo elemento, esta psicóloga Málaga deberá tener conocimientos concretos.

De esta forma, tal vez esta persona deba tener conocimientos acerca de homosexualidad, sexualidad, acerca de identidad de género, ect.

Siguiendo en esta línea, esa Psicóloga Málaga ideal deberá también tener una buena capacidad de ajuste, de este modo, incluso aunque esta persona sea totalmente opuesta a ti en ideales y personalidad, esa psicóloga Málaga ideal debe de ajustarse de tal forma a tus necesidades que no deberías ni notar que no sois almas gemelas.

Además de las características personales que tienen que ver con tu problema y tu identidad, las psicólogas sabemos que es importante para los pacientes su bolsillo.

Es decir, tan importante como el ajuste psicológico, es el ajuste económico, por lo que a la hora de encontrar esa psicóloga Málaga ideal debemos pensar en si podemos afrontar ese gasto en nuestras vidas (Por lo que este factor es algo que no deberás tener en cuenta en absoluto) o si necesito que esa psicóloga Málaga ideal se ajuste a mi presupuesto.

Antes de descartar una psicóloga por su precio oficial, te animo a comentarle acerca de tu situación económica para ver si podéis llegar a un acuerdo en el precio que tenga el tratamiento. Y de este modo poder acudir a la mejor psicóloga Málaga sin miedo a pensar que no pueden permitirte ese tratamiento psicológico que tanto necesitas.

En cualquier caso, en esta búsqueda de la Psicóloga Málaga ideal un factor clave pueden ser tus conocidos y allegados, antes que preguntar a esa famosa herramienta de internet, lo mejor es que preguntes a aquellas personas de tu alrededor para que te aconsejen sobre esa psicóloga Málaga ideal que les haya ido bien a ellos.

Si no cuentas con estas personas en tu entorno, o no quieres que tu entorno sepa que acudes a consulta, siempre puedes complementar esa búsqueda de la Psicóloga Málaga ideal con los comentarios que esta persona tenga en su página web o en las distintas redes sociales.

Por último, la única forma de encontrar esa Psicóloga Málaga ideal definitiva es hacerlo a través de tu propia experiencia, así que te animo a elegir una de las muchas opciones que aparecen en esa búsqueda e ir hacia adelante con tu nuevo yo.

Eso sí, es importante tener en mente que, si esa psicóloga Málaga elegida no era la ideal, siempre puedes repetir el proceso hasta dar con la psicóloga Málaga para ti.